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Paying fewer dollars makes more financial sense.

74% of BC3’s Class of 2024 graduated debt-free. Our tuition is among the most affordable of 43 regional colleges and universities. And, the BC3 Education Foundation awards over $215,000 a year in scholarships.

Debt-Free BC3 Grads
Salary-to-Cost Ratio
Scholarships Available

Student Spotlight

woman working on laptop

“I won’t have the weight of student loans on my shoulders. I feel confident that choosing BC3 was the best decision I have made.”

Mackenzie Perretti, general studies major

Tuition & Fees: 2024-25

Fall 2024 + Winter, Spring & Summer 2025*

Per Credit
Butler County
Per Credit
Other PA County
Per Credit
Virtual / Online
Per Credit
Butler County
Per Credit
Other PA County
Per Credit

*Subject to change. Additional fees may apply for lab courses.

Student Spotlight


I don’t really see the point of going somewhere else that is going to cost 30, 40, 50 percent more for the same degree. The affordability of BC3 makes it even more worthwhile than any other college.

Ashton Gallagher, Criminology Major

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